Lost Foam aluminum casting | Mazzo.me

Lost Foam aluminum casting

Making of foam models with the MPCNC and lost foam aluminum casting.

Lost Foam aluminum casting - Mazzo.me

Piece made with lost foam or policast casting using a foam model made with my MPCNC:


The model was milled in two phases to make the front and the back:

Foam model.
Foam model.

On the rear face there is a riser that also serves as a downsprue.

Open riser.
Open riser.

After the casting the two rear structures were manually removed:

Model and final result.
Model and final result.

A second attempt was made using only one riser on the rear face:

Final result.
Final result.

The cavity inside the riser is clearly visible:


In this case the foam model was covered with quartz paint and this allowed to obtain a better surface on the piece:

Covered model.
Covered model.