CD-DVD CNC Pen Plotter |

CD-DVD CNC Pen Plotter

CD-DVD CNC Pen Plotter -

I made this small CNC with parts recovered from old CD and DVD players.

It has very small dimensions and is only capable to make drawings with a pen.

I created the Z axis that allows to move the pen with my 3D Printer:

Pen movement.
Pen movement.

There is a guide, always retrieved from a CD player, to prevent the pen from rotating and getting stuck in its seat when pushed by the servomotor:

Pen movement guide.
Pen movement guide.

To lift the pen the servomotor pushes it upwards:

Pen movement servomotor.
Pen movement servomotor.

The 3D model was designed with SolidWorks CAD software:

3D model.
3D model.

The whole mechanics comes from CD and DVD players, like the X axis movement screw:

X axis screw.
X axis screw.

The drawing plan is a sheet of metal obtained from the structure of a CD player:

Y axis.
Y axis.

The X and Y axes are moved by the stepper motors of CD and DVD players:

Y axis screw.
Y axis screw.

The electronics is based on an Arduino with GRBL firmware:


To which the two stepper motors and the servomotor are connected:

Electronics and connections.
Electronics and connections.

The frame is also made of sheet metal from CD and DVD player boxes:

CD-DVD CNC Pen Plotter.
CD-DVD CNC Pen Plotter.
CD-DVD CNC Pen Plotter.
CD-DVD CNC Pen Plotter.

Some drawings made with this CNC: