CNC Touch Probe |

CNC Touch Probe

CNC Touch Probe -

I built this touch probe tool to use it with my MPCNC.

I made it with my 3D Printer to be as small as possible.

It consists of an upper part that is fixed to the CNC spindle:

Spindle coupling.
Spindle coupling.

On which there is a spring that pushes the probe downwards:


In order to reduce the overall dimensions and to be sure that all the contacts are correctly positioned, there are only three contacts inside:

Internal structure.
Internal structure.

For this reason the body and the probe are connected to the same cable:


The contacts are made with a copper rod:

Fixed body contacts.
Fixed body contacts.
Moving probe.
Moving probe.
Probe contacts.
Probe contacts.

The system consists of a few pieces:


I designed the system with the CAD SolidWorks:

CAD assembly.
CAD assembly.
CAD assembly.
CAD assembly.
CAD assembly.
CAD assembly.
Exploded view.
Exploded view.

Before creating this final probe I had made another attempt with a six contacts system, but it didn’t always work properly. Instead, with only three contacts the circuit is always properly closed.

Prototype interior.
Prototype interior.
Prototype contacts.
Prototype contacts.
Prototype lower part.
Prototype lower part.
Prototype components.
Prototype components.