Mostly Printed CNC -

I built this computer numerical control machine based on the original project of V1 Engineering. I made some changes such as a wooden frame, a work plan and a control panel to manage the electronics.

The 3D printed elements that are part of the structure were made with my 3D Printer.

It is equipped as a light milling machine, with a 400W brushless spindle motor that allows me to mill soft materials such as wood and polystyrene, but also to perform some work on harder materials such as aluminum and brass.

The axes are made with stainless steel tubes and are moved by stepper motors with belt movement, while the electronics is based on an Arduino with GRBL firmware.

The front of the frame can be opened removing a plexiglas wall:

Warning signals.
Warning signals.

The belts are stretched with cable ties:

Support for guides and belts.
Support for guides and belts.

The structure is screwed to the frame with aluminum plates:

Support on the wooden frame.
Support on the wooden frame.
Screw on the frame.
Screw on the frame.

The axis movement is belt driven:

X axis motor and carriage.
X axis motor and carriage.

The motor cables pass inside the tubes:

Motor cable passage.
Motor cable passage.
Internal passage of motor cables.
Internal passage of motor cables.

As well as the limit switch cables:

Internal passage of limit switch cables.
Internal passage of limit switch cables.
Cable exit from the frame.
Cable exit from the frame.

The central part that joins the three axes is printed in 3D:

X, Y and Z axes.
X, Y and Z axes.

The brushless spindle motor is fixed with 3D printed supports:

400 W brushless spindle motor.
400 W brushless spindle motor.

And it has an ER11 chuck that allows me to take tools with diameter up to 7 mm:

ER11 chuck.
ER11 chuck.

The Z axis has a useful stroke of about 100 mm:

Z axis.
Z axis.

On all the axes both upper and lower limit switches are present:

Z axis with upper and lower limit switches.
Z axis with upper and lower limit switches.

For the upper limit switch of the Z axis I made an apposite stop:

Upper Z axis limit switch..
Upper Z axis limit switch..

The Z axis motor coupling is 3D printed:

Z axis motor.
Z axis motor.

The limit switches are attached to the sliding tubes:

Upper limit switches X and Y axis..
Upper limit switches X and Y axis..
X axis lower limit switch.
X axis lower limit switch.

The control panel is equipped with buttons, switches, indicator LEDs and touch probe connector:

Control panel.
Control panel.

The electronics is drived by an Arduino and has a DRV8825 driver for each motor:

CNC electronics with Arduino and DRV8825 driver.
CNC electronics with Arduino and DRV8825 driver.
CNC electronics.
CNC electronics.

The electronics of the brushless spindle motor was purchased together with the spindle motor itself:

Brushless spindle motor  electronics.
Brushless spindle motor electronics.

As well as the 48 V power supply:

Spindle motor power suppply.
Spindle motor power suppply.

In the work plan I have placed threaded inserts:

Work plan.
Work plan.

Some of the work I made with my MPCNC: